Thursday, April 8, 2010

An Update...

Not a whole lot has happened aside from the normal crazy ninja-like conundrums. Last weekend was Easter and Bradley had a blast hunting Easter Eggs with his aunts and uncle. His entire cache of candy lasted all of two days. I think I'm still dealing with the effects from that. Yesterday was our wedding anniversary. 4 years now!! We always joke about how we can still stand each other, but to be completely honest, Dave is a wonderful husband and I can't imagine being married to anyone else! I love you Dave!!
I am starting a new cookbook that promises to make me a better chef. *fingers crossed* I've just been taking notes on techniques so far but hopefully next week I can start using some of the recipes. I'm pretty excited about really learning how to cook. Other than that everything is pretty much the same. However, I do have a cute story to tell real quick. We were eating dinner this evening and I was putting the leftovers away for Dave to take to lunch. Then Bradley turns to Dave and says, "Daddy, Mommy is hooking you up!" I thought it was so cute. We couldn't stop laughing.