Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My world revolves...

As I was doing my morning stuff this morning I realized that I hadn't blogged in a while. I apologize for that, but it has been a bit crazy around here. Nothing exciting I assure you. So I guess I'll just update everyone on what has happened in the last week:
I got up for my paper route early Friday morning. Dave went with me to help ease the stress of starting a job (It's been over 4 years since I worked and I was a bit nervous).We got down there at 2:30am and Annette (the manager) helped walk me through the process. I picked a route and started "stuffing" (putting the inserts in the paper). Then the main paper came and we rolled and bagged all of the newspapers that had to be given out that morning. My trainer, John, was wonderful in helping me to understand how things went. He has been doing the newspaper for 6 years!! We went on the route (which was all student house equipped with the most stairs I've ever seen in my life!!) We got done around 6:45 and came back home. I didn't do too bad, but I was in such pain for the rest of the day!! My legs ached and my knees felt like they were about to collapse. Soooo many stairs!!! So I called Annette and asked if they had any routes that weren't student housing. She had one that was mostly residential and just a little student housing. I accepted it and was totally excited to do a new route. We got to bed late that night and as we were laying down, Dave explained that he had a bad feeling about it. He listed off reasons that he didn't want me to do the paper route. All very good and logical reasons, like "how was I going to get to the warehouse to do the papers when none of the roads were cleared?" and "what happens when there is a problem with the jeep?" I understood all of his ideas and agreed that if he had a bad feeling then we should probably not do it. I called Annette that morning and explained that it just wasn't working out and apologized for the inconvenience. She understood and told me not to worry about it. So I'm done with the paper.
We went to a fire department breakfast that morning with the family and had a pretty good time (aside from the fact that it was freezing outside and I was exhausted still). We planned on working on the jeep at the shop that morning so after the breakfast we headed down to Doug Smith. We got down there and Dave honked the horn to get someone to open the bay door. Except when he pushed on the horn, nothing happened. He pushed on it again and guess what happened... the car died. Great timing, huh. I will say that if we had to break down somewhere, Doug Smith was probably the perfect place to do it. So we pushed the car into Dave's work area and began testing everything. We were dumbfounded. I began to panic about 30 minutes in to this diagnostic attempt. If my husband can't fix it, I just don't know what to do! I was of no help during this time as I have no clue what does what in that area. So I started tearing out the brake booster while Dave worked on the electrical stuff. I successfully pulled out the brake booster (after about an hour fighting with the interior bolts that held it to the firewall) and put the new one in. By this time Dave had been working on the electrical problem for about 6 hours. I finished up what I could do and began working with him to try to resolve the problem of the car that does not start. I was looking up wiring diagrams and ignition switch information in my Jeep Bible to try to find a solution or at least another angle to look at. After another hour (about 7 hours total) we gave up and went and got lunch. Scott came and picked us up and we got Cheryl's car to use until we could fix the jeep. The rest of our weekend is a bit of a blur. We were so stressed out about the car and how we were going to fix it. Plus we had to get our sleeping schedule put back together after the paper route didn't work out. It was just plain exhausting!
On Monday I started applying for a new job. I ran through a bunch of ads and looked online. One of the places I applied at was a hotel chain. Basically they rent out studio rooms, one week at a time. So it's like week-to-week renting. Cool idea but I don't think they have the logistics worked out all the way. Anyway, they called me yesterday for an interview and to fill out their personalized application. When I got there, the manager had to print off an application and he gave me a list of jobs for me to look over and choose from. The only problem I could see at that time was the fact that almost all of the jobs required you to live at the hotel. They gave you a studio; paid your utilities, phone, internet, and cable. All you had to do was live there and earn a paycheck. Which would be great...if I didn't have a family that I loved and would like to see every once in a while. There was only one job that didn't require you to live on site, but the hours are from 9am to 3pm. Which would mean that I would have to hire someone to come take care of Bradley while I went to work. Yeah, not going to happen. I filled out the application anyway and the manager said that he would call me in a week if they had any openings. I also went in and applied at Walmart last night in the hopes that I can find a job fairly close that will allow me to work at night and earn a decent paycheck. I know your fingers are really cramped by now, but please keep them crossed for me!!

So that's pretty much the update. Lots of information, I know, but really nothing all that interesting. Today Lisa and Cheryl are coming over to help me work on Bradley's room (we are going to paint a jungle scene on his closet doors) and so I'm totally excited for that!! I hope all is well with everyone!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

If I had only thought about it...

You know how annoying it is to lose something, right? You need that particular thing right now and so you rip the house to pieces and do a complete autopsy in every room looking for it. Then you get so frustrated because you have spent the last 3 hours of your life looking for it. And the smaller it is or the less important it is makes you more and more frustrated because you still haven't found it and it's not very important, but you just can't stop looking for it because you needed it and now it's gone. So you finally give up, you throw your hands in the air and wave the white flag of surrender.... Then a few days later, the item that you wasted so much time looking for, shows up. Just sitting there still laughing at you. And you are so mad whether at the item for not saying something while your tore your house to bits or at yourself for not looking in that one spot where it was. That's how I feel right now. And yes I'm angry at my book for not saying anything.

In other news, I received a call this morning from the paper. I'm to go to Provo at 3am tonight (or tomorrow morning, however you want to look at it). Wish me luck!! I'm so scared!!